An Invitation to Savor the Last Frosty Moments of Winter

Apparently, only 11% of people say that winter is their favorite season. And if I were a gambling woman, I’d bet it also tops the list of least favorite seasons. It’s as much about the endless grayscape as it is about the cold and wet—for me, at least. It starts to seep in, especially during a winter that feels as long as this one.

But as I noted the date on the calendar and realized just how soon spring will arrive, I felt a swell of appreciation for the ol’ ice queen. I thought of the dense mugginess in the dead of summer and those heavy afternoons when I’ll wish I could step outside and be smacked by that crisp, icy air. Life’s all about juxtapositions, isn’t it?

So consider this a tiny invitation to savor the last stretch of winter. There’s plenty of beauty out there, even if you have to bundle up and really look for it. She’ll be gone before we know it, making room for itty-bitty flowers, emerging greenery, and chirpy birdies. Those things may be easier to love, but the last of winter is worth the extra effort.

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